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Defining nature-based integration –perspectives and practices from the Nordic countries

Julkaisusarja ja numero:eports of the Finnish Environment Institute 16/2018 
Tekijät:Gentin, Sandra; Chondromatidou, Anna Maria; Pitkänen, Kati; Dolling, Ann; Præstholm, Søren; Pálsdóttir, Anna María 

35.00 €

Nature-based solutions are an efficient way to address simultaneously environmental, economic and social problems especially in urban areas. In the Nordic countries, there has been increasing interest in nature-based integration and a number of practical projects and initiatives have been launched to promote the benefits of nature in integration. This report presents the lessons learned and experiences gathered in these practices. The report analyses the similarities and differences of Nordic nature-based integration practices in terms of aims, environments, target groups and pros and cons. Based on the analysis a working definition of nature-based integration is presented. This definition summarises how nature can be used to support integration of immigrants through building of identity, providing positive experiences and strengthening institutional capabilities. The report concludes in a checklist of key components to be considered when planning, conducting or evaluating nature-based integration practices. In the second part of the report, 16 descriptions from practitioners in Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway are described in more detail to illustrate the various ways nature is used for integration across these countries.
