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Interlaboratory proficiency test 08/2014 - Metals and mercury in waters

ISBN (pdf):978-952-11-4433-2 
Julkaisusarja ja numero:Reports of the Finnish Environment Institute 7/2015 
Kustantaja:Finnish Environment Institute 
Saatavuus (pdf):http://hdl.handle.net/10138/153641 
Tekijät:Mirja Leivuori; Riitta Koivikko; Timo Sara-Aho; Teemu Näykki; Katarina Björklöf; Keijo Tervonen; Sari Lanteri; Ritva Väisänen; Markku Ilmakunnas 

75.00 €

Proftest SYKE carried out the proficiency test (PT) for analysis of elements in waters in October 2014. The measurements were: Al, As, B, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, V, and Zn. The tested sample types were: artificial, natural water, municipal waste water and industrial waste water samples. In total 38 laboratories participated in the PT. In this proficiency test 86 % of the results were satisfactory when deviations of 10 - 25 % from the assigned values were accepted. Basically, the metrologically traceable concentration, calculated concentrations or the robust mean or mean of the results reported by the participant were used as the assigned values for measurements. The evaluation of the performance of the participants was carried out using z score. In some cases the evaluation of the performance was not possible e.g. due to the low number of the participants.
