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Proficiency test SYKE 8/2013 - Radon in ground water

ISBN (pdf):978-952-11-4259-8 
Julkaisusarja ja numero:Reports of the Finnish Environment Institute 4/2014 
Kustantaja:Finnish Environment Institute 
Tekijät:Katarina Björklöf; Reko Simola; Kaija Korhonen-Ylönen; Keijo Tervonen; Sari Lanteri; Markku Ilmakunnas 

35.00 €

Proftest SYKE in co-operation with the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) carried out the proficiency test for measurement of radon in ground water in October 2013. In total, 26 laboratories participated in the proficiency test. Most laboratories (19) used the equipment based on gamma spectrometry (RADEK MKGB-01) for measurement of radon. Six laboratories measured radon with liquid scintillation counting. In this proficiency test two ground water samples were tested, in which one contained high radon concentration (1000–5000 Bq/l) and the other contained lower concentration of radon (<1000 Bq/l). The mean of the results measured by STUK with liquid scintillation counting were used as the assigned value. The evaluation of the results was based on z scores. In total 86 % of the results was satisfactory when the result measured with Radek equipment was accepted to deviate 20 % and 25 % from the assigned value and the result measured with the liquid scintillation counting was accepted to deviate 10 % and 15 %from the assigned value.
